If you are planning to travel with Oman Air and have any specific questions about their service, you are reading the perfect page. This guidebook helps travelers learn about the services offered at the Oman Air Kathmandu Office in Nepal. Passengers can track their flights, compare ticket prices and seat upgrades, and cancel or request a refund with the assistance of the representatives. Don’t pause; continue reading if you want to enhance your air travel with the following amenities.
Oman Air Kathmandu Office Address | P88G+639, Sama Marg, Kathmandu 44600, Nepal |
Oman Air Kathmandu Office Contact Number | +977 1-4444383 |
Working Hours | 24 hours a day, Monday through Sunday |
Official Website | www.omanair.com |
Email Address | cargosdu.mct@omanair.com |
Online Check In | www.omanair.com/en_in/before-you-fly |
Check Flight Schedule of Oman Air | services.omanair.com/in/en/flight-schedule |
Official Facebook | www.facebook.com/omanair |
twitter.com/omanair | |
Instagram Account | www.instagram.com/omanairofficial/ |
Official YouTube | www.youtube.com/@omanairofficial/ |
Airport Name | Tribhuvan International Airport |
Airport Code | KTM |
Address | Ring Rd, Kathmandu 44600, Nepal |
Contact Number | +97714113033 |
Flight Ticket Booking and Cancellation | Ticket Rescheduling |
Web / Online Check-in | Airport Counter Check-in |
Kiosk Check-in | Airport and In-Flight Wifi |
Unaccompanied Minor | Travel with Pets or Animals |
Baggage Allowance | Duty-free Allowance |
Flight Information | Airport Lounges |
Visa-related Information | Pet Relief Area |
Missing Luggage | Immigration Services |
In-Flight Meals | In-Flight Entertainment |
As you have acknowledged everything about the airlines, it’s time to call them and book your tickets with exciting discounts and the latest offers. Make a call to Oman Air Office in Kathmandu, Nepal and fly under your conditions.
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